Talking Trek: Star Trek Fleet Command
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Swarm Crewing for Hostiles and Armadas; Scopely Feedback Response
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Welcome back to the show commanders! After a few days of fresh air and recharging we came back to a WONDERFUL show. Good conversation on the events and sentiment of the first part of this arc (still negative) but also getting back to our core mission, which is game education and teaching. During the second segment of the show we discuss IN DETAIL, including LIVE on air testing, how to crew for the new swarm hostiles (regardless of your progression in the game) and armadas. This show may have been a few minutes longer than normal, but it's chock full of great knowledge, and commentary from you the community, as well as Scopely's response to some of our feedback over the last few days. This is a MUST listen to episode, and we thank you for subscribing, sharing, and ENJOYING the show!
Please visit our website for all things Talking Trek at
Time Stamps: 00:06:02 Stupid News (we could all use a good chuckle right?)00:15:34 Events Review and Rage Break 00:38:52 Community Begs for Change 00:51:32 Scopely Responds To Feedback Report 01:10:02 What's the Next "Second ......."? 01:24:22 Commercial Break 01:28:25 Swarm Crewing for Hostiles 01:57:11 Swarm Crewing For Swarmadas 02:33:03 Commercial Break 02:37:44 Wrap Up On Swarm Crew Convo 02:48:34 Game Time
Sunday Apr 11, 2021
Crossover Episode Pt 2: Bad, Bad BAD Scopely; Impress Me? Try Again...
Sunday Apr 11, 2021
Sunday Apr 11, 2021
Hey galaxy, last night's episode was part 2 of 2 in a series that began Saturday Night on YouTube. The link will follow and I recommend you check it out to get some perspective on this conclusion episode. Tonight we visited the Sub35 Impress Me event, Jaylah Effectiveness, SOME teaching on swarm and armada crewing, a mathematical analysis of ticketed events and a conclusive way to fix this arc and it's future swarm related events. Plus we also provided a hint or two related to the launch of Mining Frenzy that begins on April 12th. All this and more on this installment of Talking Trek!
Please visit our website for links to all content related to Talking Trek at
Part 1 of the Crossover episode:
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Talking In Carz with DJz: Swarm, Events, and 2nd Researcher
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Today was a long day. And DJz was frustrated. NOT ONLY with Scopely, but with explaining how the new Franklin-A could possibly be frowned upon. Shilling aside, this is probably one of the best expansions Scopely has ever brought, so what is it that some players are seeing that has their smiles turned upside down. We dive in, and then get REALLY grumpy over the ticketed events and second researcher.
Fair warning, this episode is not for the faint of heart. Be warned.
For all things Talking Trek, please visit our website at
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Talking In Carz with DJz: Intro To Absolution, April 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
This morning we hosted the official Q&A from Discord and decided to roll tape and publish! Here ya go! All the questions we have from the moment of launch answered for ya here on The Ketchup Arc! Absolution, where we introduce Jaylah, the Franklin A, and the return of the Borg Megacube, plus much much more! Get your answers here!
Please visit our website at!
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
March State of the Game Address with Panic and Ares
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
We were off to a slow start in 2021 getting our CM's on the show due to schedule limitations, but we are back on track today with a visit from CM's Panic and Ares to discuss the state of the game, mechanics that need overhauls, and feedback and reaction on the latest ToS Arc 3. Plus Panic gives some big news and the community reacts. The community provided their questions, and some of the answers were interesting, and pave the way forward for 2021. Plus a breakdown of the latest roadmap announcement provided by Scopely. All this and more on today's show! Don't miss out! Please subscribe, share, and ENJOY the show!
Please visit for all things related to our show!
TimeStamps:00:05:44 Stupid News00:16:06 Roadmap Breakdown00:20:46 2nd Researcher and State of the Game Address01:03:59 Stupid Commercials break01:19:58 Panic's Big News01:36:08 Final Commercial Break01:55:41 Giveaway time
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Final Grades: TOS Arc 3
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Tonight, we issued our final synopsis on the Original Series Third Arc. A few positives were highlighted, but many negatives as we discussed the pros and cons of this arc. Mathematically speaking, how did this month compare to previous event stores? What about the previous run of ticketed events in February? Was it better or worse than Borg Arc 4, which is notorious for being the worst arc in the game's history? Finally a moment of rant when DJz gets onto the subject of devaluation... All this and more on today's Arc ending show. What's the final grade? How does it compare to yours? Listen and find out! PLUS maybe a small little hint on how to spend the event store loot this week... Please subscribe, share with your team, and ENJOY the listen!
Please visit our website at for all links and please consider contributing to the studio upgrade campaign by visiting our paypal donation link @
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Event Prepping, Spending Nothing, and Winning Leaderboards
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Today we had an interest conversation kinda spark our content. Flash back two years ago when Scopely had never released a calendar of events. No planning was possible, and players were left guessing what was coming next. This is PARTIALLY true today with specific events like the Battlepass POINTS events, but for the most part, arc related events have a calendar, the daily event rotations have a calendar, and some events are scheduled regularly, such as Latinum Mining, Swarm Sunday, and now Anomalous Phenomena. But for some players who HAVEN'T noticed the patterns, or the tools with dates, how can you best utilize these tools to help plan for auctions, events, leaderboards, and STRATEGY! Today we dive in to a few known strategies, and maybe one or two new ones to allow players to "bank, save and blow" for various styles of leaderboards. Plus, shoutout FGTeeV Duddy. HAHA Please subscribe to the show, share with your team, and ENJOY the listen!
Please visit our website for all things related to Talking Trek at
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
St Patricks Day Event and Server Mergers
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Tonight's show was a myriad of content topics, including the new Trivia event for Saint Patrick's Day, Server Mergers, Event store loot, and a bunch of other thingies. It was a fun show to hang out on that discussed a bunch of topics that just happened to come up! Plus a Community Q&A Blast, a spamit winner, and the return of Fake News or Florida! Plus we begin planning Oliver's birthday party! All this and more on today's episode of Talking Trek! Please subscribe, share, and ENJOY the listen!
please visit our website for all things related to Talking Trek!
Sunday Mar 14, 2021
Ticketed Events & Event Store: EPIC VALUE?
Sunday Mar 14, 2021
Sunday Mar 14, 2021
Folks, we throw some math at ya tonight. Get your nerd glasses on. There are lots of complaints about the PAYOUT of these events here in March. However, the amount of event store currency as compared to our highest event store ever (December) is actually higher.... BUT, at the sacrifice of rewards given by the ticketed events in February? How does it all math out? Count on the team at Talking Trek to highlight the differences, and point out a few more events that STILL need some modifications for some player segments. Thanks for listening, please share the podcast, subscribe to our channels, and ENJOY the show!
Please visit our website for all things Talking Trek at
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Ticketed Events Rewrite
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Hey folks! In today's show we were provided a task by the Scopely team! Take the current ticketed events, and suggest modifications. How do we as players wanna see this events balance between cost, reward, and effort. Well, the event reset has already come and passed, but WE SAW our modifications COME TO LIFE IN THE GAME! Thank you to the Scopely Ops team for hearing us and making the corrections. How did we come to our conclusions? Listen here and find out. Remember, this was a YouTube simulcast, so you'll hear references to visual elements, and if this puzzles you, we encourage you to view on our YouTube channel by linking over from our website at Thank you for listening! Thank you for speaking up! And be sure to sub, share, and ENJOY this listen!