Talking Trek: Star Trek Fleet Command
Tuesday May 18, 2021
May State of the Game with NextGen Ares
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Hey Commanders, and welcome to yet another monthly State of the Game call with our newest beloved CM, Ares. He discussed his plans for the hype train prior to the TNG launch and how that may or may not have gone exactly according to plan! He also shared with us some insights into Scopely's look and design at Away Team Assignments and spoke back and forth with the community regarding Territory Capture! It was an amazing call, and the Talking Trek team is grateful to Ares for taking the time to not only feedback TO us, but to take the pulse of our studio audience as well! This is a must listen to interview with Scopely's newest CM team member, Ares, and we are excited to share it with you! Please subscribe, share with your team, and ENJOY the listen!
Please visit our website at for links to our YouTube Channel!
Sunday May 16, 2021
ATA Strategy & Ticketed Events Comparison
Sunday May 16, 2021
Sunday May 16, 2021
Hey Commanders! GREAT show planned for ya including an actual mathematical strategy at MAXIMIZING your ATA Speedups since they clearly appear to the be gateway for this new research. Plus how do we maximize the rewards FROM using the speedups? Then, uncommon ticketed events are back and we do a quick check of their payouts, and compare to the rare tickets. Which are the better value? Plus, a few updates into upcoming event schedules, shifts, and some helpful info for planning! All this and much much more on today's episode of Talking Trek!
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Wednesday May 12, 2021
TNG Deployment, Away Teams Content, Early Strategy
Wednesday May 12, 2021
Wednesday May 12, 2021
Wow what a day! The Next Generation has made it into the game, and deployment was remarkably smooth! We discuss Away Teams Research, the important ones and the meh ones. Plus we break into the TRUE intent of Away Teams Assignments. What are their worth, and HOW MUCH time and how many officers, should you be investing into this new expansion? Plus, let's take a close look at the math and the mechanics of the new Shuttle Bay Building. All this and more on today's info filled episode of Talking Trek LIVE!
Please visit our website for links to our YouTube Channel and Patron Program
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Talking in Carz with DJz: TNG Arc Launch Infocast
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Tuesday May 11, 2021
TNG Is here! And here's what we know so far! Get your info here for everything related to the new crews, new research tree, new events, and much much more!
Sunday May 09, 2021
What's Next? And How Good Does It Have To Be?
Sunday May 09, 2021
Sunday May 09, 2021
Haply Mothers Day! Todays show was live from the road as DJz traveled to see his own mother. That didn't as stop us from theory crafting and comparing all the references we've seen so far. What do they mean? And regardless of what is coming, what is EXPECTED in terms of deployment and quality? All this and more on todays taping!
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Final Grades on Absolution, and a Sneak Peak Into May
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Today's show fully wrapped up the Absolution Arc, including high points, low points, and final grades from key members of the team and community. Some of Scopely's missteps were identified, but also some of their high points were praised. Then there was Borg................... We discussed the economy of the Vidar and Stella skins and how they differ and compare, as well as touched on the new Plasma Blast projectile and it's worth, AND how it works! Finally, we break into the May 2021 arc with the most vague and most conversation stirring hint Talking Trek has ever released. All this and more on today's action packed episode of Talking Trek! Please share with your team, subscribe to the show, and ENJOY the listen!
Please visit our website at for links to other content and features!
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
BgCountry LIVE Town Hall
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Today, the real world kept DJz away from the studio, but Bg Country, trusty right hand man and ever faithful cohost, decided to take the reigns and was brazen enough to skip the Stupid News. But he did gauge feedback, offer insight, and even a VERY special helpful hint to those unlocking Jaylah this week. Plus DJz drops in from the car ride home as we're giving Pass/Fail grades to the month of April. Bg hosted a great laid back episode chock full of commentary, knowledge, and strategy and we invite you to check it out! Please share, like, and ENJOY the show!
Visit our website at for all info
Sunday Apr 25, 2021
Borg Event Summary; What Could Scopely Have Done Differently?
Sunday Apr 25, 2021
Sunday Apr 25, 2021
GOOOOD EVENING! Tonight we begin with the actual recording of a real phone call.... yes, the wires were tapped, and we bring you the audio footage as it happened.
Then we get to business. Borg 2021, and how it was received and HOW a simple small change could have made everything better. Plus Swarm is coming up and we give you a brief event guide into how to prepare and what you need to be ready to do each and everyday. Plus we dive into the Active Nanoprobe economy, as well as RANK the borg officers top to bottom. Who should you focus your limited active nanoprobes on? All this and more on today's Talking Trek! Visit us online at
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
To Vidar or Not to Vidar; THAT is the Question
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Hey Commanders! On today's episode we broke down the last week's worth of events and recognize the "hard line" in the sand for some players who were not "thought" of during the planning process of this arc. Not only now with the Vidar, but in week 1 with the Franklin-A. Analysis is underway in what happened, what feedback went up, and how Scopely responded to a number of issues this week. Some of them favorably, and others, well, head scratchers. Plus we discuss the Borg Officer "economy" and why Scopely may be sooo proud of these officers. All this and much much more on tonight's episode of Talking Trek! Visit our website at!
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Talking In Cars with DJz: The Borg Are Back!
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
In today's show we recap the last week, and acknowledge some of the good Scopely did with our feedback. It wasn't perfect, but it went a long way and was a clear indication that they're listening. We also look back and reflect upon the days of endless muddmadas, and how the stella refit leaderboard played out, and what we predict for the vidar refit event. Plus we got a sneak peak into the next few days events and a helpful hint to the wise regarding Borgmada AND Doomada directives, and TOS Salvage. Plus, we revisit CREWS for your vidar and the Borg Mega Cube. All this and much much more! Please visit our website for all links for Talking Trek at