Talking Trek: Star Trek Fleet Command
Sunday Feb 07, 2021
Talking In Carz with DJz: Between the Arcs PLUS Hints for Arc 2
Sunday Feb 07, 2021
Sunday Feb 07, 2021
Hey folks! Sorry for the quality today! Due to the Superbowl plans for tonight, I'm in the car half the day and no time to do a produced in studio show. None the less, we had a great conversation about the events in their current form, and going back in time a little bit. Plus, well.... too many hints for Arc 2. I get a little looselipped between the arcs sometimes, and today is no exception. We also dive into some strategy to help save time during the galaxy's favorite grind event, Faction Hunt and discuss the Inflation packs bug that struck over the weekend. All this and more on today's Talking In Carz with DJz!
Please visit our website for all things related to Talking Trek at
00:01:55 Rippers Complaints00:03:42 Faction Hunt Pros, Cons, and Time Saving Strategy00:24:14 Military Supremacy00:31:14 Cosmic Cleanup (includes a hint for Arc 2)00:36:32 G4 Repair Costs / Pack Inflation00:40:16 Ship Abilitys Across Factions and Shipyard levels 00:49:10 Rep Grinding During Events? (includes a hint for Arc 2)00:54:52 Anomalous Phenomena 00:57:26 More hints for Arc 2 01:23:29 Community Q&A Blast
Saturday Feb 06, 2021
Talking Trek Live Stream On Youtube
Saturday Feb 06, 2021
Saturday Feb 06, 2021
Hey Galaxy! Uploaded for your auditory pleasure, here is the audio simulcast of our YouTube stream on Wednesday February 3rd. We discussed transport patterns and what should happen with this pattern conversion, as well as touched on hints for the upcoming Arc 2, and played in the game all the while. We answered questions, had fun, laughed a lot, and had a grand ole time. This episode MAY be difficult to follow since we were streaming live. But if you're missing the video, feel free to view it on our YouTube page at
For all things Talking Trek, please visit our website at
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Talking Trek After Party Community Roundtable 1-31
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
This episode is bonus content from our episode that aired on 1/31. After the published show, the conversation continued about a WIDE array of topics, including borg probes and crews, raiding, account grants, the cc program itself, and half a dozen other areas within the game that need discussion! What a great time we had hanging out with friends of the show and having an open and honest conversation. This is bonus content and has no structure, but if you'd like to listen to some educational and eye opening strategies within the game, hear some of the stories of other players and how they accomplish tasks in the game.
Enjoy this bonus content on our podcast channel, and please don't forget to visit our YouTube channel to view our livestream from the regularly scheduled podcast from 2/3/20.
Also visit our website for all things related to Talking Trek at
Sunday Jan 31, 2021
LCARS 2.0 Launches New CUSTOM Prime Scrap Calculator
Sunday Jan 31, 2021
Sunday Jan 31, 2021
Hello Galaxy! Tonight we had a special guest in the studio to present a new intuitive tool allowing players to more easily plan their progression. Fellow Official Content Creator Fartasia is with us to discuss his new innovation, and how it came to be. The file is downloadable in our discord (link available from our website below) to download this new tool, or available directly in the LCARS 2.0 discord. This tool allows an easier planning process for the acquisition of next level materials, be it rares for primes, or even research. Listen for an in-depth analysis of the tool and how it can be utilized to help you plan and spend your hard earned resources and materials more efficiently. Plus some vague new insight into the next arc and our newest feature, the 5 min Community Q&A Blast! All this and more on today's show! Subscribe, share with your team, and ENJOY the show!
Please visit our website for all things related to Talking Trek at
00:21:03 LCARS 2.0 Presents - Prime Mats Calculator01:07:56 Funny Commercial Break01:25:50 Peaks into Arc 201:52:50 Funny Commercial Break02:02:03 Community Q&A Blast
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Battlepass Overflow for F2P? + How to Prepare for Auctions
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Last night was our first time together in a week, and 5nakeEyes did an amazing job at keeping DJz on task. Today, topics were discussed around HOW a F2P could possibly complete the Battlepass Overflow event. Was Scopely lying when we announced DURING the FIRST day of the arc that it could be done without spend? What are the requirements? Let's break down the math and see what we know, PLUS get the LATEST words DIRECTLY from Live Ops regarding Battlepass overflow. Plus, the second kirk and spock auctions are upcoming... only days away. Are you ready? How can you TRULY prepare as a f2p or minimal spend player, for an auction of this type? There are no guarantees, BUT, there are methods of planning that can HELP you determine your level of competition as we draw nearer to the designated dates. How many points can you score? With a little math and a roadmap, you can absolutely predetermine your score (not rank) in these auctions. Can you get enough shards to make your goal? We'll help you with some planning tips. FORTUNATELY, we got through the bulk of our content, cause after the meat and potatoes was done, the studio lost power. Power was restored several hours later and a closing was taped, but it was hoot n holler fun for those here live. See what ya miss? Join our discord, and find links to all things related to Talking Trek at
Timestamps00:17:03 BattlePass Overflow - So far, events/points, yet to come01:04:55 Commercial Break01:08:39 Horcruxes in STFC01:16:21 Arc 2 Sneak Peek01:22:49 TOS Officer Discussion01:31:13 How to Prepare for Auctions02:07:00 final break02:15:00 Community Q&A Blast
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Prime Officers or Prime Borg - What is Right For You?
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Hey Star Trekkers! Great conversation on today's show included a discussion over communication in the game, not only through the official discord, but also using the in game news center. Why are announcements not made to all? Plus a detailed conversation in to HOW you should determine how to use your Battlepass Prime material. Are you a candidate for Prime Officers? Or better off spending on Prime Borg? We discuss the pros and cons, and the analytics of what you should be looking for on your account to help you decide your path. Plus we discuss Scrambled Communications, provide a hint or two (no outright spoilers) and discuss the reception of this NEW style of event! Finally, rapid fire Q&A, your questions, rapid fire answered in 5 minutes. All this and more on today's episode of Talking Trek LIVE! Please subscribe, share with your team, and enjoy the listen
Visit our website for more information on Talking Trek by visiting
Time Stamp Markers:
00:05:44 Stupid News00:10:15 Thank God the News is Over00:11:07 Battlepass Announcement/Communication Improvements00:57:51 Commercial Break00:59:46 Back from Break01:00:33 Officer vs Borg; What Should You Buy?01:26:00 Scrambled Communication01:41:12 Rippers Corner (updates on technical features/bugs)01:46:53 Calendar Change02:04:45 Commercial Break02:07:44 Back from Break02:08:56 Rapid Fire Q&A02:17:47 Let's Play a Game!
Sunday Jan 17, 2021
Latinum Mining Mechanics Revealed; TOS Officer Overview
Sunday Jan 17, 2021
Sunday Jan 17, 2021
Hello Star Trekkers! As happens occassionally, TOO much happens in preparation for a show. Conversations run long, the community becomes passionate and polarized, and debate occurs. As the ONLY long form format of content within Star Trek Fleet Command, I feel it's our responsibility to allow community feedback, and allow voices to be heard. Part 1 ran long and was all about burning, and therefore forced us into part 2 for the remainder of the show. This show would normally be uploaded a day later, but due to containing TIME SENSITIVE data for Latinum Mining events scheduled today, we're posting both at the same time. Contained within this episode is a breakdown of the newly redesigned Latinum Mining Monday mechanics, complete with ops brackets, milestones, point values and a breakdown of the ships and their mathematical pros and cons for today's leaderboard. Plus an overview of the new TOS officers in PVP, as well as research into a mining officer NOT working as written. This and more in this part 2 of Talking Trek's Sunday night podcast. Enjoy the super sized portion of your favorite STFC podcast!
Please visit our website for all links related to Talking Trek at
Sunday Jan 17, 2021
To Burn or Not to Burn, That is the Question
Sunday Jan 17, 2021
Sunday Jan 17, 2021
Folks! HAPPY SUNDAY! Tonight we got started late, which combined with the events of the week was a recipe for disaster in the Talking Trek studios tonight. We tackled the extremely controversial topic that is burning, and presented opinions and facts from both sides of the aisle. Did Scopley solve all the problems with this change of a 2 year old established mechanic? Are the VIP's responsible for the change? Or are the VIP's ALSO scratching their head at this change? In today's show we spent as much time as necessary to explain the facts, present real data, and offer INSIGHTS into eachother's game play. This episode went too long, so we took the entire conversation about burning and made it into one episode. NORMALLY we would upload Part 2 a day later HOWEVER, part 2 contains time sensitive info, so both pieces will be uploaded today. Enjoy your super sized portion of Talking Trek today in this, part 1 of 2, podcast on the state of affairs in STFC.
For all things related to Talking Trek, please visit our website at
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Arc 1: The Original Series Day 1 Reaction
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Hey Trekkers! So here we are officially into the first arc of 2021, and it wasn't without it's rollout challenges. Let's discuss how Tuesday was implemented and the bugs that were introduced, AND resolved, and which ones weren't. Plus a brief rundown of the newest events and the math behind them. What improvement was unintended and actually kept!? And how it came to be. Plus stupid news, drunk messages to Scopely, and much much more. Please share with your team, subscribe to the show and our Youtube channel, and enjoy the listen!
Visit our website for all things related to Talking Trek at
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Talking in Carz with DJz: The Original Series Cometh
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Good morning and on today's episode of Talking In Carz with DJz we break down and answer questions regarding the Original Series, Arc 1. What messages does scopely have for us, what is available, and how will things roll out today? It was a slightly bumpy ride around event reset time, but in the calm before the storm, this conversation happened, and people got to feel what is coming up next.
For more Talking Trek, visit our website at