Talking Trek: Star Trek Fleet Command
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Talking in Carz with DJz: Intro to TOS Arc 3
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Before a grueling day at work, we took time out to spell out the details of the new arc, and answer questions. It's been a long day. lol No energy for typing. Enjoy the listen Commanders.
Sunday Mar 07, 2021
Sunday Mar 07, 2021
Folks, today's episode was not our normal produced studio rendition, but rather a more laid back relaxing country drive in the car. DJz was feeling slightly under the weather, so this is what we got today. But as most people have observed, sometimes, the best content comes in a relaxed laid back conversational manner. Today was no exception. Topics included the frequency of jellyfish auctions and perhaps, some writing on the wall indicating the possible future of this ship. We also discussed the recently revamped Military Supremacy and how that ties into available hostiles, systems and even capital city traders. Which also leads into our Arc 3 hint for today. We wrapped up on Territory capture lag RESEARCH updates, and what we now know, and what we can try to do moving forward. All this and much more on today's chillax version of Talking in Carz with DJz. Please mash that sub button, share with your teams and friends, and enjoy the show!
For all links related to Talking Trek, please visit our website at
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
What if??? Plus Drip Drop... Leaks and Hints for Arc 3
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Hello Star Trekkers! Today was kind of an exciting day! SpaceX experienced a (delayed) successful test flight and that inspired us to consider, "What If?" TOOOT TOOOOOOT! Let's pull into Imagination Station! What if things in the game were being reimagined and reiterated to present in a better way again in the future? What if ideas and mechanics of the game were redesigned to function properly? What if other properties present in a such a way that we, as players, control the narrative of the future of STFC Gameplay? It was a wild conversation and one that gets the most pessimistic of player dreaming again. Plus of course, we are between the arcs, so hints of upcoming content are presented during the show. Plus, a drill down on one or two known LONG term bugs and how you can protect yourself against these glitches. All this and more as we dive right on in to our content today with our normal team of goofballs and hooligans! Please share, subscribe, and ENJOY the show!
Please visit our website at for all links to the show's pages and features!
Sunday Feb 28, 2021
Squish Squish!!! Watch Out for those bugs!
Sunday Feb 28, 2021
Sunday Feb 28, 2021
Community, tonight was a typical late Sunday show. Which means DJ unhinged. We began by discussing the latest CLIENT issued bugs in the game over the last 3-7 weeks with the various client updates and what we plan to do about them. We discussed which ones made our top 10 list and how we need to see these cleaned up. Plus a bit of time spent on your questions, your theories, and your ideas regarding upcoming content. And then..... beer is opened.... eek. Listen in for more of the fun, the rants, and the info provided by DJz and the team at Talking Trek! Share, subscribe, and ENJOY the listen!
Please visit our website at
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
TOS Crew Testing and BUNCHIES OF MATH!
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Hey Talking Trekkers! Today, we simulcasted the show on YouTube so we could show off some mechanics and battle logs, but the conversation translates well to our radio audience. Today we focused on the new TOS officers and whether or not they are able to be deemed "worthy" of our auction materials and resources. How do they work? Are they standing up against previous Enterprise crews? How do they work and what are their specialties? All this and more in today's special simulcast of Talking Trek!
Please visit our website for all links related to Talking Trek at
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
PVP/PVE Hybrid Event, Doomsday Transwarp Cells, and Scoring
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Hey Trekkers! Welcome to our latest episode where we chatted about several things, including DJ'z fear of flying.... gag. But into game related items, we dive into the MECHANICS of the pvp/pve hybrid event. Why were players messaging you that you hit them in a non pvp system, but it WAS a pvp system? Why were players flying INTO your pvp system anyway? Where were the bonus points? This was NOT communicated super well by scopely, but count on Talking Trek to break it down in detail for you right here. Plus Community Q&A and a few updates from the live ops team on various things going on in the game over the last week and moving forward. Please subscribe to the show! Share with friends! and enjoy the listen!
Please visit our website for all things related to Talking Trek at
00:05:10 DJ's Terrible Travel Experience 00:16:27 Stupid News00:26:00 Officers Leaderboard PAY TO WIN??? 00:38:51 Upcoming PVP/PVE Hybrid Event 01:02:55 Stupid Commercial Break 01:06:06 Updates from Dev Team01:16:18 Autojoining Ticketed Events01:35:13 Another Stupid Commercial Break01:44:08 Community Q&A Blast01:49:42 Game Time
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Talking Trek After Party 2/14/21
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
In yesterday's after party, taped LIVE after the podcast, we discussed a whole HOST of topics including Territory Capture lag, and potential fixes, and how it can shape the game's future. Plus we dive into reputation grinding both post 10 mil and pre 10 mil, and how it's changed in the last year. Is post 10 mil Dual Faction possible? Yes, but not for the faint of heart. Plus worms, best pve practices with the new hostiles, alternate crews, potential point scores, and whether or not the jelly is truly the best grinding ship in the game? All this and much more on a community roundtable discussion with YOU, and it's a great listen. Enjoy this FREE bonus content from the team at Talking Trek!
Visit our website for more links at
Sunday Feb 14, 2021
Exploits vs Cheating; F2P Ticketed Event Payouts
Sunday Feb 14, 2021
Sunday Feb 14, 2021
Hey Star Trekkers! Today's show went nothing at all as planned and we veered into a conversation that you guys drove. First up, to put to rest the concerns players had with the realta hull glitch and how it was temporarily patched. What will scopely do to prevent this in the future? Plus what should happen to the players who used it? Then we moved forward into examining the Valentine's Day event structure and payouts and what could be improved. This naturally transitioned back into the conversation about the ticketed event mechanic as a whole. Are there benefits? My analysis says yes, but not everyone agrees. We break this down from both sides and look at how it can be made better. All this plus stupid news, a contest giveaway, and one of DJ's biggest in game mistakes in the last 6 months.... Please subscribe to the show for future content, Share with your team to make them better, and most importantly, enjoy the show. Get a good little chuckle or belly laugh going... It feels good.
For all things Talking Trek, please visit our website at
00:08:16 Stupid News00:16:31 Server Milestones00:19:02 Realta Exploit00:42:10 More Server Milestones00:55:26 Server Mergers?01:00:53 Territory Capture Changes?01:14:28 Funny Commercial Break01:18:19 The Power of Love into Ticketed Events Analysis02:05:38 Last Commercial Break02:09:09 Community Q&A Blast and Game Giveaway
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Ticketed Events Mechanics! TOS Arc 2 Launch!
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Hey Star Trekkers! Today it was soooooo nice to get back into the studio with you guys! Thank you for putting up with my crazy schedule for the last 10 days, but we dove straight back into it like we always do! First up, a DETAILED analysis of the Ticketed Events. How to complete them, how to get the tickets, and what will be sourced for free! Plus we give you a few updates from the Dev team about Battlepass visual glitches! Plus we dive into the Server Milestone events and how those are actually structured for completion! All this and much much more on today's episode of Talking Trek!
Visit our website for all things related to our show at
00:06:56 Stupid News (please hire a joke writer)00:07:00 Ticketed Events, Server Milestones, and TOS Recruits.... Full Circle Mechanics01:15:36 Funny Commercial Break01:26:25 2nd Builder Winners01:30:23 New Worm Systems / Transwarp Cells / PVE-PVP Hybrid Events01:41:37 Valentines Day Event01:57:38 Another slaphappy commercial break02:05:18 5 min Community Q&A Blast02:17:30 another failure of a game? Yup. Definitely
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Talking In Carz with DJz: Intro To TOS Arc 2
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Hey Galaxy! Welcome to the worst quality podcast you've ever heard.... as compared to our beautifully warm and gorgeous sounding studio podcasts. Today was an episode produced from the comfort of my 2018 Ford Focus, as we dive in, answer questions, and explain the ins and outs (so far) of Arc 2 of the Original Series. What pieces made it into the game, what parts of the maintenance are NOT arc related, and what is yet to come? Enjoy this brief, yet informative broadcast into the the intricacies of our latest arc.
Visit our website for (better sounding) older episodes of our Podcast at