Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
It's been exactly two weeks since we were in studio with you and we had no shortage of things to talk about. DJz makes a passionate plea to the community for giving this holiday season, not only to each other, but to your local children in need. And while we (DJz) apologizes for the lengthy philanthropy segment, we remind you that we are in fact a community, and sometimes, this community transcends our video game, and we encourage you to open your hearts this season. That said, we did dive in to Duality Pt 2 and provided some excellent review, AND some scathing feedback from some players regarding the newly widened "ops-chasm" that we're experiencing in the game now, and ways to try to fix it moving forward. Major points of conversation included the economy, milestones and points, cloaking, Sela and Tomalak, and Territory Capture (the one dull spot on an otherwise bright month.)
Great conversations had by all! And a very fair and valid set of grades forthcoming! Please share with your team, leave your comments on YOUR grades, sub to our channels, and ENJOY the show!
Visit our website at for our email, and write us your letters for Talking Trek Gives Back! A family in need will receive $500 from Talking Trek to bring a small bit of joy to children this Christmas! Who will win this gift? It's up to you!